Thursday, January 17, 2013

Soup protéiné au courge, pomme, et poireau - Squash, Apple, and leek protein soup

Hey all, sorry for not having posted in so long. This one is in english simply because I just want to get it online quickly, mais si vous le voulez en français, je peux le traduire pour vous.

This soup is GREAT and SOOOOOO easy, so enjoy!

Ingredients:  makes [6 blocks]
6 blocks (2 tsp) olive oil [6 lipids]
1 block leek (1 cup) [1 carb]
3 blocks squash (4 cups) [3 carbs]
2 blocks apple (1 apple) [2 carbs]
6 cups vegetable broth/stock (0 blocks)
6 blocks tofu (approx 500g) [6 protein]
garlic, salt, pepper, etc.
Step 1: peel, core, and cut up apple. 

Step 2: Cut squash longways and place face down on a baking tray with the chopped up apple and 1/2 cup (125ml) of water and bake for about 40 minutes. Let cool until you can touch it.

Step 3: Chop up ONLY THE WHITE PART of the leek, some garlic, and take whatever salt, pepper, etc. you want to add and sautée it all in the bottom of a large pot for about 3-4 minutes, then add 1/2 cup (125ml) vegetable broth and let that soak up.

Step 4:  Scoop the squash out of the skin and straight into the pot, then add the rest of the broth. Cover that and let it cook for about 20 minutes on low

Step 5: add SILKEN (very soft) tofu and blend with a hand mixer until all smooth.

(PS. above, I used the green parts of the leek, below I did not... tasted the same, but obviously the colour of the soup in the bottom photo is MUCH more appetizing so, like I said, don't forget to ditch the green parts.)